陳竑廷 Chen, Hung-Ting
Higher Education
Master ,
Institute of Information Management
National Chiao Tung University
Thesis: A Robust Tree for Pricing Convertible Bonds under the Reduced Model
Adviser: Prof.
Tian-Shyr, Dai
Talks and Presentations
Matlab 基礎財務分析與應用
5.MATLAB 結構化財務程式之撰寫
Matlab 基礎財務分析與應用
8.投資組合報酬率風險暨分散效果 Part2
10 .企業風險管理
John Hull, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives
20.VaR part 1
John Hull, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives
22.Credit Risk part 1